Thursday, October 25, 2012


Click on the picture over there and look at the weird look on that little boy's face. Go ahead, I'll wait. That's a smile. Really. He thinks he's smiling. How does that happen? Just weeks out of the womb babies will smile. It's perfect and sweet and incredible. There's nothing like your baby smiling at you. Then at some point they get it in their heads that they really have to work on that smile. Especially when there's a camera involved, they need to give it some gusto, and it always turns out so weird. It's scrunched up and their jaw is crooked and their eyes are closed and they're certain they look good. All of my kids have gone through this. Thankfully they've come out the other side too, and learned to tone it down and bring it back from a look of comical pain to one of general cheerfulness.
Kids are weird.

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