Thursday, October 4, 2012


My oldest daughter is pretty excited about this election cycle. She's been reading as much as she can in the magazines that come to the house and has been asking me about it. We talk. I try to present both sides of the picture but I feel that one side is right. We talk about that too.
I cannot tell a lie. I love political debates. 
She heard me mention that the first of the presidential debates was on last night and wanted to stay up and watch. Fundamentally it's not an issue, but from a practical standpoint, it started at bed time. She insisted that she had only this election and the next before she would be entrusted to vote. Getting her feet wet now would prepare her to really get into it in four years and then really know what she's doing in eight. She takes the long view.
We compromised and let her stay up and watch the first half hour. She paid attention. She asked good questions. She wanted to know which of of them was telling the truth as it was pretty obvious that they both couldn't be. She was bummed when she had to go to bed and asked me to pay attention and fill her in on things in the morning, which I dutifully did.
I'm not sure how normal it is for someone who still thinks boys are pretty icky to be excited about politics. It's ok with me though, it gives me someone to talk to about it. She and I are the only ones in the house that really wants to discuss these things. It's nice.

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