Friday, October 26, 2012

Big Belly

I'm not sure that kids really understand when someone is pregnant. They sort of do, but when they're little, not really. Whenever my wife was pregnant there was a whole lot of shoving things in shirts. Blocks, stuffed animals, whatever. The kids (both my daughters and my older son) were trying to make sense of the fact that mommy had clearly gotten huge and that people kept telling them that there was a baby in there. They could see it. They could feel the baby kicking. It was there, but it was still part of mommy. It's all pretty weird and they all dealt with it by imitating. It was always fun.

Edit: My wife wanted me to add a disclaimer. All posts that reference my wife being pregnant have absolutely no bearing on whether she is, or will become pregnant in the future. She's not, and won't be. She just was a lot in the past and I have some very fond memories.

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