Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall Soccer. Yay!

Hurray for fall soccer! Spring soccer is fun and all, but it's not as good as fall soccer from a parenting standpoint. To start, it's cooler. In fact, sometimes it's almost pleasantly cool while watching games. Almost. To add to that, it's getting dark early. This means that practice during the week can only go so late. We actually get home before bedtime. How novel. To finish, there aren't as many players. This means not as many teams. This means that all of the weekends games are played during two time slots instead of three. Now we're only at the soccer fields for four hours every Saturday instead of five and half or six. I get to do things like eat lunch at home. It's pretty sweet.
So let us all raise our glasses of Gatorade to the wonderful joys of fall soccer. Three cheers!

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