Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hello, I'm Your Husband

I often joke with people and say that I'll get to talk to my wife after the kids grow up. I'm starting to believe it. I woke up with the kids this morning so she could sleep in, and because I had things to do that I needed to be up for anyway. The kids and I got breakfast and then agreed on cartoon rules so everyone could be happy and quiet. I loaded up the soccer field striping equipment and headed off to make everything pretty for today. By the time I got back from that, we were packing things to head back for the days games. My wife is coaching, so she was off doing her job on one field with the oldest, while I was on another field watching the younger two play. Once the games finished there was a quick kiss and then she was off to a birthday party with one of the kids while I watched the last soccer game of the day. Now I'm home and lunch is done but my wife is still at the party and will likely be until a lot closer to dinner time. I might get to talk to her when the kids go to bed, which is good, because tomorrow I'll be gone almost all day autocrossing. Then we're back into the week when we communicate more by e-mail than in person. Life can get busy, and before you know it you're not spending much of it with the person that you promised to share it with. I'm not sure there's a fix for it, but by being aware of it we can work to snatch a few moments here and there for a kiss and a hello and an I love you. I will get to talk to my wife again when the kids are gone, but at least I won't be talking to a stranger.

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