Friday, February 22, 2013

Slow Day

I'm calm! Who says I'm not calm!
I was pretty excited about today. The only thing on the calendar was my wife's dentist appointment. Looks like some time off for daddy. Just had to drop the little kids off at the elementary and then drop my oldest off at school across the street. I headed back to the elementary because I had to prepare a couple of deposits for the PTO and then take them to the bank. Not the close bank, but the far away bank because they're the one with the automatic change counter and it's more time efficient to do it that way than to count it all by hand. I was lucky enough to make it home in time to load my wife and youngest up and head off the the dentist. I didn't really have to do this, but if I didn't then I wouldn't really see my wife at all today. While she was at the dentist my son and I went grocery shopping and checked out a neighborhood skate park. Then we picked my wife up and had an actual legitimate treat, a lunch out. That was my morning. In a few minutes I've got to head out to pick up the little ones from school and then we'll go to the library for our weekly book retrieval. We'll make it home in time to head back out and pick up my oldest and her friend from after school science club practice. That should leave us all sitting down to dinner after which I'll be awaiting a phone call from the friend's older brother who I have to pick up whenever his track practice ends.
I'm glad I get an easy day like this every now and again because the busy ones wear me right out.

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