Monday, February 25, 2013

Half Pipe

Last week I took my wife to the dentist. I didn't need to, she's perfectly capable of finding the dentist on her own, but by doing that I was able to hang out with her for an extra hour or so on the drive to and from. It was nice. While she was getting her teeth cleaned my youngest and I went grocery shopping and explored a small public skate park near the dentist. I scoped out the ramps, read the rules, and wondered if the kids would like to come back.

Asking a nine year old boy if he wants to go to a skate park is like asking if a fish pees in the water. The answer is so obvious that you feel silly asking the question. So we went. My older daughter had some work to do so the three youngsters piled into the car along with a couple of boards and helmets and pads. We had a good time. Nobody is quite ready to drop in on the halfpipe but they had a lot of fun going back and forth and sliding down on their feet. Ramps that any one of them would jump off without blinking are quite intimidating when you're riding on wheels. It's going to take a few trips to really get the hang of things. We had fun and nobody got hurt. We'll certainly be back for more.

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