Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Not My First Rodeo

We have a phrase in Texas, "It's not my first rodeo".  It's meant to explain that you've been here before, done this before, and you know how the game works. My assumption is that is originated in actual Rodeo competition as a way to let others know that you didn't need instruction about how to hang on to a bull or what not. Having never ridden a bull, that's pure conjecture.
Today at my son's preschool was rodeo lunch. They do this every spring during the time when the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is going on. They have hot dogs for lunch and then play rodeo games like lasso the rocking horse and stick horse races. It's fun. Today, as the parents gathered and wondered what to do, a number of faces turned toward me and asked where they should do. They knew that this was not my first rodeo. I pointed here, here, and here and put people in their places and things worked our great. One thing I've learned through the years is that it's not so important who is in charge, just that somebody is. Things go much smoother if there is one face to look to when a question comes up, even if that face is making up the answers.

The day went great. Everyone had fun. Only one stick horse racing injury that I'm aware of. The kids went home tired and the parents took a lot of pictures. It was a little bittersweet for me though. This isn't my first rodeo, but it was my last.

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