Monday, January 30, 2012

Vengeful God of Ants

I am the Vengeful God of Ants.
What a great new home. Lets swarm and bite a child!
Some kind being has delivered great pieces of food!
Oh my God! Why? Why have you brought them to us!
Ordinarily I really like ants, they're fascinating. Individually they're useless but together they form an amazing super organism. Think of a food source and it's likely there's some sort of ant that eats it. Sugar ants eat sweet things, carpenter ants eat wood, I even know where there's a colony of leaf cutter ants that I'm trying to get some good pictures of, they don't actually eat leaves but eat the mold that grows on the leaves that they harvest and stuff underground. Ants are everywhere, ants are cool. Except fire ants. I hate fire ants. They invade the yard and bite the kids and I. Most ants are chill if you step on their nest. Sure they run around in a panic and one or two might bite you to get your attention. They're just sort of saying "excuse me giant person, you're on my house." Not fire ants, those bastards are evil. Make one mistake, step in the wrong spot, and hundreds of them pour out of the nest seeking a victim, they swarm you. They bite you over and over and the bites are horrible. They swell up and all of the tissue at the center dies and it leaves this big itchy hole in you and it takes forever to heal and it leaves a scar. All of my children have ant scars on their feet and legs. Pretty much all you can do with fire ants is poison them, and I hate using poison anywhere near the kids. Fire ants and their associated poisoning was one of the primary drivers for me getting guineas. They might scratch my truck and poop on the front porch, but they are my avenging angels when it comes to fire ants. They can't seem to find the ant hills themselves, stupid birds, but put a little food on the ant hill and they go to town. I can't tell if they actually like to eat the ants or if it's just instinct to eat everything that's small and mobile. They do go back to the same spot for a few days until they've consumed everything that moves so there might be some tiny spark of intelligence going on there.
I doubt it.
They guineas are my tools of death. I direct them and unleash them on my enemies the fire ants. I use them to protect my land, my children.
I am the vengeful god of ants.

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