Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pesto Stuffed Pork Chops

Time for another recipe that looks and tastes like you're some sort of master chef, but is really ridiculously easy. It's almost a tragedy that I'm writing this for stay at home dads because I could have totally used a meal like this to impress chicks in college. I suppose you could just impress your wife with it but that's not quite the same, you know she's spending the night even if your food sucks. I suppose it's just as well that I didn't possess this sort of culinary power in my misspent youth...... on to the recipe!

Pesto Stuffed Pork Chops
4 thick cut boneless pork chops.
1/4 cup prepared pesto sauce
1/4 cup plain bread crumbs
1/4 cup parmesan cheese (cheap is ok, fresh shredded is better)
1 tbs olive oil
salt and pepper

Mix the pesto, breadcrumbs and cheese in a bowl and set aside. Your pork chops probably have one side with fat on it, you want to cut a pocket on the other side. Use a sharp pointed knife and just work your way around in there. You're trying to make a little meat purse for the pesto mixture. The smaller the opening the better the filling stays in and the bigger the pocket the more you can fit in. Like many things in life, you're looking for balance here. After you cut them, stuff them with the pesto mixture. Work it back into the pockets as well as you can. Better distributed filling means better distributed flavor. Now put the olive oil in a frying pan and brown the chops for 3-6 minutes on a side. Whatever it takes to get them brown. Salt and pepper them and place them in a baking pan, uncovered, and bake at 350 degrees for one hour.
That's it. Cut, stuff, fry, bake, done.
The only downside to this recipe is that your wife is likely to think you should be cooking this well all of the time. Enjoy.


  1. Replies
    1. I think you'll like it.
      Did you ever make the French Bread?
      How did it go?
