Saturday, January 21, 2012

Crash - The Other Kind

Last week I wrote about kids just running out of energy and falling asleep where they sit. Crashing. There is another kind of crashing of course, crashing into things. A lone child can crash into everything in the house. Doors, couches, chairs, the floor, anything. When you get two or more they can then also crash into each other in very creative ways. They can also get into wrestling matches and crash with a force that's beyond what one child could do alone. That's the situation that resulted in our first spectacular crash.
Right before my oldest daughters third birthday she and her brother were playing. They were running around and getting rough and I was trying to accomplish something in the kitchen and referee at the same time. Finally they were both on this little blue chair, standing and wrestling and it was clear that if I let this go it could end with bumps and crying. "Hey you two, get dow.." CRASH!
Over they went. Over I raced. My son popped up screaming. My daughter was on the floor. As I picked her up I saw that her lip was bleeding. I put out my hand to catch the blood and she spit a tooth into my hand. One of her front teeth. That used to be in her head. But was now in my hand. Silent scream.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!
Stay cool.
Calm her down. Get an ice pack. Wrap the tooth in a wet paper towel with ice. Call my wife to find a pediatric dentist NOW. Get the kids ready to go. Get a call back from my wife with directions. Head to the dentist. By the time we get there my daughter is completely over it and wants to play in the playhouse in the waiting room. Everyone in the waiting room wonders why I look really freaked out and my kids look fine. Maybe I have a problem with dentists? Maybe I kidnapped these two beautiful children and need to get their teeth checked before I can set a price on them? Whatever my issue is, everyone sits at the other end of the waiting room from me.
There's not much they can do with the tooth that is out. The other front tooth is knocked pretty far back into her head so they adjust it and explain that it may or may not fall out. They talk about bridges and false teeth and what we can do if the other tooth does fall out. Luckily, it stays right where it should be. For almost 4 years it stands there alone, next to the hole. For that whole time people see her and say that her teeth are falling out early. Well yes, sort of.
This was the other type of crash, the loud one, the one that needs medical attention.
I like the quiet sleepy one better.


  1. If you recall, adult siblings can have epic crashes as well (me+you+mt.ripley). The good ol' days

    1. Ya, good thing we were the only two people on the whole ski hill to see that. How the only two people on the hill manage to crash into each other at high speed is another matter. We're special.
