Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Wife Cooks Too

Take out the edible parts and cook the shells.
I look at cooking as part of my job as a stay at home dad. I shop, I plan the menu, I cook. When my wife asks how she can help I usually tell her to go play with the kids so they stay out of the kitchen. She can cook though, she does quite a good job of it, she even enjoys it. When she hasn't cooked in a while things sort of build up in her and she puts her foot down and demands to cook a fantastic meal for us. It feels really weird to just sit around and wait for dinner to get done, but a man has to do what a man has to do.

Add some of these and cook more.

End up with this for dinner. So good.
Finish with these for dessert.
This weekend my wife cooked, shrimp bisque, french bread and asparagus for dinner and big New York black and white cookies for desert. Normally when I write about food a recipe follows, but not today. I usually pull my recipes from older cook books or public sources online or from my own experimenting. The shrimp bisque and and the black and white cookies are recipes that are in the current Feb/March issue of Cook's Country. As the recipes are still on the news stands I feel a bit weird about just passing them on, so I'll just give you some pictures of the meal and let you know that I will be giving out the french bread recipe later in the week. If the food looks good (and it tasted amazing) then you can pick up the recipes at the store. Cook's Country is one of the few things we have a subscription to and it's worth every penny. This isn't exactly quick cooking, my wife did spend pretty much all day in the kitchen on Saturday, but sometimes that's just what you need.

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