Monday, October 10, 2011

Pushing Laundry

Sisyphus was a mythical greek king who was punished by the gods for being a jackass. Every time they tried to punish him he tricked his way out of actually receiving the punishment. Finally the gods had had enough, and they punished him by making him roll a boulder up a hill all day. The next morning he would wake to find it back at the bottom. He then had repeat this task. For all of eternity.
Sometimes I feel that I am the Sisyphus of laundry. I do laundry every other day, and no matter what, the laundry basket is never empty in the morning. Ever. I'm not sure what trickery I did to deserve this punishment by the gods. I suspect that it has something to do with leaving my socks wadded up in the laundry as a kid. Sorry mom.
I'm far from perfect at doing laundry. I almost never separate colors from whites after they've been washed a few times. By then we've gotten past the real bleeding phase, and yes, my whites suffer from this. Almost imperceptibly my laundry tends toward a neutral grey. The colors fade, the whites darken, my laundry attempts to achieve a perfect balance with itself. It's very spiritual. Alas, nothing ever lasts long enough to get there. It's taken off it's path to enlightenment by stains or tears or just growing out of it. I sometimes wonder about the reincarnation of shirts.
Today I get to play full on Martha Stewart. My wife bought a beautiful white cotton sweater. I do have to separate the colors out with this one. I aslo have to block it dry. For anyone unfamiliar with blocking a sweater, that means that you have to take it out of the washer without drying it. You then have to lie it down flat on a towel and organize it so that when it dries, it's the right shape and size. Martha would have you measure the sweater first so that you lay it out in the perfect dimensions, but that's taking it too far, I'll just eyeball it. This seems like a lot of special work for just one sweater, and it is, but it's worth it if your wife looks good enough in it. It's worth it.
So today I'll do laundry. Tomorrow morning when I wake, it will be there, dirty, at the bottom of the hill, waiting for me.

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