Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Scream for Yogurt

Home made ice cream is awesome. Getting an ice cream maker and learning how to really make a good batch of vanilla or chocolate will change your life. It might also change your pant size, but it's oh so worth it.
This isn't about ice cream though. Ice cream has the eggs and the mixing and the cooking and all of the stuff you have to do before you start to make it cold. It's awesome, but it's exhausting. I just don't have time for it most days. I'm pretty sure that's why my pants still fit. What I do have time for is frozen yogurt. Making frozen yogurt is frighteningly simple.

Vanilla frozen yogurt:
Plain vanilla yogurt
Blueberry Frozen Yogurt. Yummy.

Add ingredients in accordance to taste, there's no wrong way to do it. Swirl around in an ice cream maker until it's all freezy. Add toppings, fruit, syrup, chocolate syrup, chocolate chips, granola, or just eat it plain. And you do have to eat it all, so be careful how much you make. If you put the leftovers in the freezer it will freeze hard enough that you'll need industrial machinery to eat it, or let it thaw. Then it's not really frozen yogurt any more, is it? Without the action of the eggs and the cream and all of that other good stuff, it doesn't stay soft like ice cream does. It's just so easy to make, and if you go easy on the sugar, healthy, that you should make it. A lot.

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