Although I've grown to love coffee, I really don't like making it. Not in a coffee maker anyway. You've got a really cool process of hot water leaching out the glorious caffeine and flavor and what not, and you can't see it. It's usually hidden behind shiny black plastic in modern coffee makers. It's the most scientific thing I do every day, and I feel like I'm missing out on the action. I used a stove top percolator for a while, and I do like it. You can see the bubbles bubble up and get darker as the brewing happens, it's cool. But I have an electric stove so boiling water is an exercise in frustration. I finally settled on using a funnel and a filter. It's a lot like the coffee cones that you can buy, but it's just a funnel. I could spend the $5 to buy a coffee cone, but a coffee cone is a one hit wonder. All you can do is make coffee with it. I can also funnel things with my funnel, so that somehow makes it better. I really wish I had a better way to heat up water though. I don't remotely have the patience to deal with an electric stove in the morning, so I use the microwave. It works, and I love the idea of an alternating electromagnetic field making the water hot, but it's missing romance. I keep thinking of an aparatus that would use a bunson burner and a coil of copper tubing and some flasks and......some other mad scientist stuff. I really want to feel like I'm creating life in a lab first thing in the morning. That would really get things off on the right foot.
If anyone can think of a really elaborate mad scientist way to heat water for coffee, let me know in the comments, I'm in the mood to build something really silly in the kitchen.
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