Saturday, March 10, 2012

Blog Updates

Thanks for reading. Have a cheesy poof.
I've been pretty successful in my goal to post here six days a week. I want to build up content on the blog as well as give myself practice writing and meeting deadlines. It's all going to plan so far. What I didn't anticipate was the sheer volume of stuff I would accumulate in a short time. There's a lot of stuff here, somewhere over 150 posts as I write this. I always intended this blog to not only be entertaining, but also to be a resource for stay at home dads.  I've realized that I needed some organization for that to happen.
To make things easier I've added two things to the blog. The first is a search bar off to the right. Put in any term and you'll find out if I've written about it. The second is post labels. At the bottom of many posts now you'll find a little section where the post is labeled. If you click that little blue word, it will take you to all of the posts with the same label. There is also a group of possible labels on the right side if you scroll down. Now if you're looking for something to cook, you can just click the food label and all of the food posts will come up. I'm hoping that some stay at home dads out there will find this useful. I know I would have.
I'm also experimenting with the ability to write posts ahead of time and schedule them for a later post date. This way, I can get motivated and write several posts in one day and set them to post automatically in the future. To you, the reader, it will continue to look like I'm busy and productive day to day. I'm hoping it will allow me to slack off and not have you notice.
I want to thank everyone who continues to read what I write. I hope that I'm as entertaining to you as you are motivating to me.

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