Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bacon Week

It's spring break this week and due to an overlap of my wife's work commitments and my exceptionally poor planning we're not taking any trips. It's not that we're not doing anything, there's a lot of sword fighting and robot programming and that sort of thing going on, so we're still having fun. We're also having bacon week.
We get up and make bacon for breakfast on most weekends. It's such a lovely meat. This weekend we were sitting down to eat it, and my wife commented that since we were home this week we could have bacon every day. She meant it as sort of a joke. I took it as a challenge. Saturday and Sunday we had bacon at breakfast. Monday we had grilled bacon and cheese sandwiches. Tonight we're having bacon and spinach stuffed pork roast. Tomorrow will probably just be bacon for breakfast again though I may head off and find a recipe for bacon muffins or something depending on my motivation level. Thursday is bacon pizza. Friday I'd like to do something with bacon and seafood. Maybe bacon wrapped shrimp, maybe some sort of bacon and salmon dish. People don't mix bacon and aquatic foods as much as they should. That would be a whole week of bacon right there, but I'll probably extend it into next weekend just because I can. Nine days of bacon.
There are no recipes in this food post because I haven't cooked anything bacon related yet that is deserving of one. I will pass on a bacon related tip though. All of that bacon grease that's left in the pan when you're done cooking, save that. Put it in a jar and put it in the fridge. It's the best oil ever for making popcorn the old fashioned way in a pan. The smoke point is high and it makes the popcorn fantastic. Do this, your life will be better for it.

1 comment:

  1. How about putting bacon pieces in with Jiffy corn muffin mix? You could grease the muffin tin with bacon grease....Mmmm
