Sunday, November 6, 2011


I want to say hello and welcome to all of the new readers that have shown up this week. With the increase in readers I'm feeling a little pressure to write about subjects that are actually interesting to people instead of things that randomly pop into my head. This post is simply a call to you readers for post suggestions. What do you want to hear about? More diaper stories? Breastfeeding as a dad? What sounds good? I'm planning to write about bread, yogurt, opossums, sports field maintenance, and my complaints with tampon companies in the next week, but I'm open for anything. One of my most endearing and annoying qualities is that if you have a subject, I probably have something to say about it. So head to the comments and let me know what you want to hear about, and thanks for reading.


  1. Raccoons, crockpots, traveling with children...dos and don'ts. Etc etc etc

  2. A four hour flight covered in milk vomit?
    When is it better to just abandon underwear at a rest stop?
    24 hours of "are we there yet?"
    I haven't had raccoons since I was a teen but since I've had kids we have had snails and crickets and a a white tailed deer as sort of pets and have hatched turtle eggs. I'm sure there's a story there somewhere.
    I don't know about the crock pot though, only my wife uses the crock pot. I find crock pots somehow unmanly.
    Thank you for the suggestions.

  3. All you need is a massive wood burning oven (manly?) and a crockpot (differently manly I would say) and you can take over the culinary world. And some chickens. And a chainsaw. Maybe a wok. Possibly a rice cooker. And a rolling pin. Oh bugger just build an oven. You won't regret it. You can borrow matt for...ever???

  4. With the world being how it is, a natural gas oven would be more appropriate, don't you think? I can still borrow Matt. He could combine his knowledge of glass kilns and wood fired ovens into a super project. It's the oven he was destined to build!
