Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Over vacation we visited a variety of houses. During those visits we played with a variety of people and with a variety of toys. One of the very favorite people we visited was my niece, and one of the very favorite toys she played with was the nerf gun. She hadn't had a whole lot of nerf gun experience before this day, but she took to it like a duck to water. Aiming and pulling the trigger were second nature and all she needed to be able to shoot over and over was a willing big person to cock it over and over and over. She found that person in my wife. They had a great time. My wife also showed her how to lick the suction cup on the end of the dart to get it to stick better. My niece decided that if a little spit was good than more was better and we ended up with a pretty slobbery window by the end, but it was worth it. Cock, lick, load, aim, shoot, retrieve. Do it again and again and again. That's what I call a good time.

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