Saturday, September 8, 2012

To Those in Belgium....

When not baking, she spars with toddlers.
To any of my readers that may find themselves in Belgium in the next few months, might I recommend that they seek out a restaurant and inn by the name of In De Wulf. It's.... well it's in Belgium. I tried to figure out exactly where but when I looked at the map I realized that you could fit the whole county in a triangle formed by Houston, Austin, and Dallas. Belgium has a rich history and all, but it's not very big. Just ask around, I'm sure you can find it. I've never eaten there. Probably never will, though it's supposed to be fantastic. It's quite fancy and expensive and they serve desert on rocks. The reason that I suggest you stop by (maybe make a reservation first) is to sample the food and say hi to my sister. She was invited to spend three months working in their kitchen and baking bread for them. The word is that they bake one very good bread in their wood fired oven, and she's going to see if she can help them develop more. That's her thing. Wood fired ovens and exotic old world breads. Cool stuff.
If you make it by, just ask for the tiny American baker. They'll know who you mean. Give her a hug and tell her that her big brother says hi, and that he's very proud of her.

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