Sunday, September 9, 2012

Guilt Pop

Through a strange series of events my wife has temporarily abandoned me. She has to be in three different states this week, and only one of them is Texas. When she's actually in Texas, she gets in late, goes to bed, wakes up, goes to work and then after working a full day, is back on another plane. She's "home" for something like 20 hours and she has to fit a full nights sleep and a full days work in there. She's a busy lady. Busy and guilty. She came home from work the other day with this cute little four pack of premium root beer. I asked her if she was trying to buy me off. She claimed that it was mostly love, and only a little bit trying to buy me off. I'm not sure how much of that I believe, but it's delicious. Here's a toast to a long week. All you dads out there holding down the fort alone while your spouse heads off to parts unknown to bring home the bacon, just hold on, reinforcements are coming, I promise.

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