Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts have a bad rap. They're one of those things that foodies seem to like, but normal people hate, and it doesn't have to be that way. They can be tasty and easy to prepare, really. First a little background because Brussels sprouts have a cool history.
Brussels sprouts may go as far back as Roman times, though they were probably modernized in Belgium in the 1300's. That's why they're Brussels sprouts by the way, not Brussel sprouts, which is what I thought they were when I was a kid, they're named after Brussels Belgium where they were grown and became popular. They came to the U.S. with French settlers to Louisiana, which might make them sort of a Cajun food. That's pretty weird if you know anything about Cajun food and Brussels sprouts. They're related to cabbage and broccoli and kale and all of those other green leafy things that we love to eat. Enough history, on to the cooking!
There are a few ways to cook your sprouts, but this is the method that I've settled on through some reading and much trial and error. Most people, and most methods, over cook the sprout and it gets mushy and that's not good. You want them to be cooked, but still a bit crisp, it takes practice and it's worth it.

These are good. Honest.
Sauteed Brussels Sprouts
1 lb brussels sprouts (or whatever you want to cook)
2 tbs or so of bacon grease
a dash of garlic salt.

Start by cutting the lumpy end off of the sprout. This will also release the outer layer of leaves, pitch both of those. Heat up a pot of water to boiling and throw the sprouts in for one minute. Drain them and run them under cool water. Cut the sprouts in half lengthwise, if you boiled them too long they'll be cooked all the way to the center, you don't want that. You want them to be cooked only about 1/3 of the way in. They should still feel crisp when you cut them. Throw your bacon grease in the pan and heat to medium high. This is why we're using bacon grease by the way, more that it's delicious flavor, is it's high smoke point. If you don't have bacon grease (and I feel sad for you if that's the case) then you can use half veggie oil and half olive oil. If things start to smoke then turn down the heat until they don't. Sprinkle the garlic salt in the pan and place the sprouts in the pan cut side down and let them sizzle, checking them every minute or so until they brown. Serve warm and enjoy. If you like, sprinkle some Parmesan cheese over them, it's delicious. If you try this and don't like it, don't give up, there are other ways out there to cook Brussels sprouts, you just need to experiment until you find one you like. I do hope this is the one you choose though, I think they're yummy.

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