Monday, May 14, 2012

Life is Funny

Life is funny.
Logs and chainsaws and stuff.
Growing up I had the same dreams as all the boys. Fireman, astronaut, race car driver. I probably did play with dolls more than some boys, but I also built forts in the woods and played football and went hunting at an early age. I taught myself to fix cars and motorcycles. I learned to rock and ice climb, including a roped solo climb of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. I earned two bachelors degrees, one in Geological Engineering, one in Applied Geophysics. I've shot, butchered and eaten countless deer and two elk. I can weld. I can play the violin.  I built the second story on my house with my own two hands. I mow my own lawn. Man stuff.
With that significant background, do you want to know what the most important thing that I did this weekend was? I remembered that my wife had a big meeting this week and that she would probably want to wear a certain pair of pants. I checked to see if they had been washed. They hadn't, so I fixed that. When my wife was getting her clothes ready last night she was very excited to see that special pair of pants, washed, folded, and in their place. I don't think I could have ever looked forward into my future and predicted that laundry would ever be my significant contribution, to anything, even to just one person on one day.
Life is funny.

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