Friday, May 25, 2012

Busy Days

Busy Days.
I've been very busy lately. Between soccer and preschool and regular school and people visiting and visiting people and taking care of baby birds, I've just been busy. Lots of time has been away from home too. Driving kids to school, then off to preschool, stopping at the store, back to school for a PTO thing, home to lunch and nap, back to pick up kids from school, off to soccer. I spend more time in the car than at home some days. All of that has me wishing for a couple of days at home where I've got nothing to do and nowhere to go.
It was just a few years ago though, that I really had nothing to do outside the house and nowhere to go. I was at home with two kids, a baby and a toddler. No school, needing to stay close to the freezer and the source of breast milk, just stuck. Wishing I had some reasonable excuse to load the kids up and go do something, anything! I had to pretend that I was going to work again to justify taking classes at night so I had something to look forward to doing. Things change.
So now I'm busy. Before you know it I'll drop the kids off at school and have half a day to kill before I pick them up again. and I'll be back here complaining about how bored I am. When that happens, remind me to come back here and read this. Also remind me to clean the bathroom, that will probably still need to be done before I can really complain about having nothing to do.

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