Saturday, September 3, 2011

It Begins

Last week I decided that instead of sanding drywall in the bathroom I'd see about taking down the huge dead pine tree in the yard. Nothing really strange about that. Doing drywall, cutting down trees. Standard man work. I just need to fit this into my day of bringing the big kids to school, doing the shopping, getting some laundry done, getting lunch for my 3 year old, getting him down for a nap, picking the big kids back up from school and making dinner. Lots of time for drywall and cutting down trees.
I'm a stay at home dad.
Nothing I do is revolutionary or even a bit difficult. Millions of moms do most of the same stuff every day. The core of my job is taking care of my kids, my wife, my family. Stay at home parent stuff. The cool thing about my job is I'm not a mom, I'm a dad.
Everybody probably knows a stay at home mom. Lots of you had one. Lots of you are one. We all know what stay at home moms do. But what about stat at home dads? Do they cook? Do they clean? Do they pee standing up? What's different about being a stay at home dad?
Sometimes nothing. Sometimes everything.
This is going to be an online accounting of what's going on in my life. As I write this down I'll let you know what I'm doing. I'll also step back in time and share some of what I've gone through during first nine and a half years of stay at home parenting leading up to this. It's been an incredible journey so far and I'm betting it will continue.

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