Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We Won!

Well, we took the kids to Rodeo Houston again. They're all big now so we did the petting zoo and the farm stuff and then we went to the midway. I know that everyone in the family (except me) likes to play games. They spend money like it's free and have fun. I do not have fun. One of the first games we walked past was the ring toss where you're trying to get little plastic rings to land on one of about 500 glass Coke bottles. It's basically impossible. You can stand there for an hour and watch people throw thousands of rings and never make one. The kids wanted to play so I said "fine, let's get it over with". My wife said "no, if we win then we have to carry the giant prize all day". We'll never win. Nobody wins. Fine we'll wait. I'm already grumpy.
On the way out, we stop to burn through the last of our dwindling life savings. Baskets of rings are purchased. Rings are tossed. I'm rolling my eyes at the silliness of it all. Of course you know where this ends up. Of the several million rings tossed that day that sailed helplessly to the ground, somehow my younger daughter managed to throw one perfectly. She's happy. My wife is happy. The carnies are happy. Everyone is happy. Even I'm a little happy. But only a little.

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