Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Biking

So it's spring break. Rather, spring break is almost done. You'd think that as a stay at home dad I'd have more time to post by not having to drive the kids back and forth to school. While theoretically right, it's not really right in practice. I find that I'm simultaneously trying to get projects done while at the same time my presence is needed every 3 to 5 minutes to solve some dispute between the children. Couple that with the lack of structure that my days now have, and it seems like every evening I find myself getting ready for bed and realizing that I haven't posted. Come next week and a return to normalcy and my posting schedule should get better. 

One thing we have been doing this week is enjoying the weather. I've been working on the cars and the yard and the kids have been playing outside and riding bikes. My youngest finally convinced himself that he could handle riding with training wheels. He went from unsteady to tearing around the driveway like his butt was on fire in about 20 minutes. It won't be long and I'll have the last of them riding a two wheeler. Bikes are fun.

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