Friday, February 24, 2012

Messy Kids

No clothes, no bib.
Accuracy issues.

Shockingly messy.
When I wrote my Pet Hair on the Stair post the other day I was thrilled to get a comment from my friend Jill over at The Jill Dobson Show. Jill is also writing about her experiences raising her son, but she does it in a way that is much more well-written and way funnier. You should probably read her blog instead of this one to be honest. It's not surprising that she's good at this sort of thing with her journalism degree and all of her TV experience and that one time she was a Miss USA contestant. Seriously, she's sort of famous. She's probably the most famous person I know and certainly the most famous person that I've beaten in Trivial Pursuit. In case any of my guy readers are wondering, the key to all of this is to marry someone hot, like my wife. Lots of times hot chicks come with hot friends, it's pretty awesome. If the world works perfectly, then you can end up married to someone hot, be unemployed, and get to know her famous friends. This, my friends, is Valhalla.
I eat with my eyebrows too.

Back to the subject at hand. Jill is a real grown up and when she writes posts her son is beautiful, and her house is beautiful, and basically all of the pictures of her life look like she has clipped them out of magazines. She suggested that her husband, on the other hand, would probably think that is was hilarious to post pictures of their son all covered head to toe in mushed carrots. I'm here to tell him that he's right. Posting pictures like that is hilarious. Even if living those moments was slightly less than fun, the pictures are great. It was always hard to really get  into the mess that my kids were making when they were learning how to eat. Sure, it was cute, but every time the put a handful of food in their ear instead of their mouth you just knew that you had more work coming. I've always been curious about how incredibly uncoordinated kids are when they start to eat. They seem to be able to hit every part of their head but their mouth. If you leave a marble or a penny or something parentally irresponsible on the floor though they hit the jackpot the first time. It's the buttered toast paradox of the baby world.
Everybody who comes here should really head over to The Jill Dobson Show and read about her baby and all of the other grown up stuff that she does. When you get sick of well written stories and pictures of a beautiful baby in a beautiful house, you can always come back here.

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