Water balloons need no explanation. You just don't get permission to throw things at people very often when you're a kid, and when you do, you're usually supposed to throw it so they can catch it. There are two notable exceptions to that rule. 1. Snowballs, which is sort of a terrible exception here in Texas. It's like telling kids in Alberta that it's ok to play with jellyfish. 2. Water balloons. The batch you see in the picture is for my second water balloon fight today. The first was with 40 preschoolers. Somehow I was the only parent that got right into the middle of it. Just a note about water balloon fights with preschoolers, you can't throw them at them. They're too little, you just can't. What you can do it catch them and then pop them over their little heads. It's good to be tall. The second fight is this evening at soccer practice. These are kids from 10-13, so I'm thinking that I can hurl a few. My wife will be there too, so I might still pop a few over a head. Maybe.
They take forever to fill, the action lasts mere minutes, and it takes forever to pick up the pieces, but water balloons are fun. Just plain fun.
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