Monday, May 13, 2013

Race Day

A lot of stuff happened last week and into the weekend. Some of it I'll try and cover this week, some of it I'll leave.
Saturday morning saw the whole group of us up early to go race. Not a car race this time, but a running race, two of them actually. My middle two kids participated in the kids mile. My son was hoping to top his third place finish of last year, but the field was stacked and it wasn't meant to be. He raced well, and finished well, and set a good time. For my younger daughter, it was her first real race. A mile. Quite a long way. She did great. A little walking but she pushed on through her difficulty and finished solidly mid pack. She was tired, but she was happy to have done so well.
My older daughter stepped up the the 5K this year, and my wife tagged along with her to help keep pace and make sure that she didn't get lost. They both ran well and finished several minutes quicker than they were expecting. My daughter now has a personal record. A number that is out there for her to beat. It's a good thing. My wife commented that it was the most enjoyable 5k that she's ever run, which means a lot coming from someone who has run as fast as she has.
On the way home we stopped and bought doughnuts. It's not something we do very often, but it somehow seemed like the right thing to do after the race. The kids are all planning their next events. My son says he's ready for the 5k. I think he wants to beat his sister. My daughter wants to actually train because she was running 5k last spring without stopping for practice. She knows that with a little more practice she can eliminate those walking breaks and take a couple of minutes off her time. Competition runs strong in my kids and it makes my wife proud. Doing good is one thing. Wanting to do better, and working for it, is something else completely.

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