Saturday, May 18, 2013


For Mother's Day my wife asked me for one simple thing. She just wanted a couple of citrus trees. Orange, lemon, whatever, just plant some trees next to the apple trees. She mentioned it all through the spring, and I always waved her off. I think she thought I forgot, but I didn't. The plan was to get them as an actual Mother's Day gift, and not just sometime in the month before hand and call them a gift and then have nothing for her on actual Mother's day. I'm a romantic like that. So after the 5K last weekend we loaded up the truck and bought one orange tree and one lemon tree. They're planted safely in the yard and seem to be doing well. The orange tree even has tiny oranges growing on it. I'm not sure they'll turn into edible fruit, but we're hopeful. Both of us keep saying that the very first thing we should have done when we moved into this house was to plant fruit trees. If we did that we'd have an orchard to pick fruit from instead of tiny trees to just watch grow. Take my  advice, plant some fruit trees this spring. It's never too early and in 20 year's you'll be happy you did it.

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